
The Trilogy of connecting Mind, Body and Soul!

Sign up for my Free Unlocking Your Heart Workshop


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Spiritual  Coaching


With my 1:1 coaching program, you can expect:

  • 6 one-hour In-person or virtual sessions
    Deepen your connection to your inner child
  • Develop an intuitive plan to overcome any challenges
    Gain clarity and identify the root cause of any blocks.
  • Overcome limiting beliefs
    Unlock the power to create your story
  • Meet your spirit team
    Learn the difference between “ego” vs higher self

    Are you ready to take control of your spiritual journey?
    Join me today and become the master of your own story.
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Personal Training
  • Choose from one of three 1:1 options:

    32 sessions $2,400
    24 sessions $1,920
    16 sessions $1,360
    Personal Training Includes:
  • Comprehensive body assessment
  • Mindful movement to help you get stronger and work where you are physically
  • An intuitively guided workout that speaks to your bodies needs
  • Customized workout plan personalized for you to reach your goals
  • The program includes:
    Strength building exercises
  • Endurance improvement techniques
  • Flexibility-enhancing routines
    Customized fitness goals tailored to your unique needs

    Let's work together to achieve lifelong fitness success!


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Spiritual Healing

3 Sessions for $555

1 Session for $200

My healing methods include:

  • Copper Pyramid healing to increase energy, enhance focus, and reduce stress
    Meditation and crystals for aligning energy chakras
  • A clear pathway to connect with your guides
  • Cord cutting releasing ritual to clear energies that no longer serve you
  • Shadow Work/Inner Child to help you find self-love
  • Angel/Tarot Card readings
    Messages from angels, spirits and guides
  • Akashic Records

    Experience the benefits of spiritual healing and unlock your full potential!


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Sacred Space

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House $444

Apt/Small Business $222

House, Apartment, or Business Blessings for Spiritual Purification

Are you feeling negative or stagnant energy in your place of residence or business? Consider a spiritual house/apartment/business blessing to promote positive vibes and protect your space.

During this ritual, I will lead you through prayers and ceremonies using tools like sage, black salt, or Florida water to purify the area. Further, we will use affirmations and intentions to align the space with your desires and aspirations.

Anticipated Blessings from a Home Cleansing

  • After the home cleansing, you can expect the following benefits:
  • All windows and doors will be blessed
  • Unwanted energy will be removed
  • Stagnant energy will be cleared
  • Mirrors will be closed
  • A simmer pot will be used to cleanse the home

These blessings are individually tailored to release personal energy and intuitively guided for maximum impact.



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Body Continued

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Intuitive Body Stretching

Unlock the Healing Potential of 

Intuitive Stretching for Trauma Release

2 Options 

30 mins (Stretching ONLY) $150

1 Hour includes Card reading and Journaling $200

Intuitive Stretching Includes:

  • Releasing trauma stored in the body through small stretching movements
  • Helping clear the energy to shift throughout the body and release
  • Connecting the upper and lower half of the bodies to function as a whole with a connection in core area 
  • Work with guides to shift any stored negative emotions and find the location within the body
  • Understand if it is a block in masculine or feminine energy
  • Understand if it is a block in the receiving or releasing areas
  • Allowing the body to receive healing by an intuitively guided stretch

Are your ready to release some lifelong trauma that no longer serves you?




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